Veterinary Prescriber presents

Veterinary Prescriber's Spotlight on Medicines logo

The Spotlight on Medicines is Veterinary Prescriber’s media channel for subscribers.

Just remember it’s all in the Spotlight on Medicines

Independent information on [parasiticides] should be available to assist in decision making.
— BVA,BSAVA and BVZS policy position on responsible use of parasiticides for cats and dogs. September 21.

How to access Veterinary Prescriber’s Virtual Veterinary Medicines Academy

Individual subscription

If you are an individual subscriber (you pay for your subscription by credit card), you can access the Academy by logging in with your email address and password. If you have forgotten your password, just request a password reset on the login page, If you have any problems or questions then use the chat function in the bottom right-hand corner of the page to get in touch with us. We are always happy to help.

Practice or corporate subscription

If you are part of a practice subscription or corporate subscription we will have already emailed you and sent details for logging in to the website. If you can’t remember them go to and use the reset password link to send yourself a new password reset email. Follow the instructions in the email to login. If you have any problems or questions then use the chat function in the bottom right-hand corner of the page to get in touch with us. We are always happy to help.

Team setup

If you are a practice subscriber and have already set yourself up with your own account by following the steps above you can now set up your team with their own website accounts. Built into our system are several roles to help you administer your team’s access to the VVMA and Medicines Certificates. See the tutorials below for more information, then login and give it a try. We are always on hand to help if you need.

The Practice Manager Role

The Practice Manager Role allows you to make use of some of the automated features we have built into our system. You can quickly and easily add members of your practice team to your practice subscription. Our system will automatically send them emails with access instructions, and details of where to get help etc.

The Medicines Certificate Coordinator Role

Practice managers can delegate the Medicines Certificate Coordinator role to another colleague. Access to the Medicines Certificates has to be requested: if you are a practice subscriber and would like your practice to do the Medicines Certificates please get in touch and let us know. It’s crucial to assign a date for completion of the Medicines Certificates or it’s very difficult to award badges and certificates to achievers.

Medicines Certificates are only available as part of a Practice Subscription and in addition we charge £10.00 per entrant (plus VAT) to all Medicines Certificates.

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Virtual Veterinary Medicines Academy

Veterinary Prescriber's Virtual Veterinary Medicines Academy (VVMA) is a place to gain a clear understanding of the evidence, regulations and practical aspects of veterinary medicines use; to support confident and competent prescribing, handling and dispensing of medicines and communication with clients; and to promote efficient medicines management that will save time, money and help protect the environment.

Ask Andrea

Ask Andrea! is a medicines information service designed specifically to help with medicines queries. It’s similar to what NHS doctors have been used to for a long time but is new to the veterinary world.

If you’re a subscriber and have a medicines question…

Just remember to Ask Andrea!

Medicines News

Veterinary Prescriber's Medicines News logo

helps you keep up to date:

on regulatory changes

on new medicines

on adverse effects

on changes to product information (including new uses adverse effects and warnings)

and on supply category reclassifications.

Also, ADVET - what the adverts say, and what they’re not telling you.

Dog’s Blog

Moscow the German Shepherd Dog with his favourite toy in his mouth

Our blog page presents a mixture of short articles containing opinions or reports, all related to veterinary medicines. The blog feature is named after Veterinary Prescriber’s first rescue hound, our beloved Moscow.

The title of the latest blog is “Proposed Changes To The Veterinary Medicines Regulations – What Are They?” Click the button below to read more.

Medicines certificates

Introductory Certificate in veterinary medicines suitable for everyone in the practice. It provides essential knowledge for the whole team so you know everyone in the practice knows how to deal with medicines legally.

Foundation Certificate in veterinary medicines, essential for anyone involved in dispensing

Enhanced Certificate in veterinary medicines, recommended for RVNs and dispensary managers

Prescribers’ Certificate in veterinary medicines, recommended for veterinary surgeons

Pharmacy support

Practices need pharmacy support!

Your practice will benefit from the medicines expertise that doctors take for granted through the discipline of pharmacy. As a practice subscriber you will have access to Andrea, an experienced registered pharmacist and medicines information specialist who can assist with the following areas:

information and guidance for dispensary staff

help with formulary decisions, including rationalising stock, choosing between medicines and new product evaluation

development of medicines policies (e.g. antibiotics, parasiticides)

Product Guides

Parasiticide Guide

How the guide can help you. This guide will help you choose and identify parasiticide products for small animals – for the treatment of individual animals, or for creating a practice parasiticide policy.

What does the guide contain? It contains products authorised as veterinary medicines in the UK and also products for small pet animals that are exempt from needing a marketing authorisation (Exemption for Small Pet Animals [indicated as ESPA in the guide]). It does not include insect repellents classed as biocides (e.g. products containing margosa extract).

Specials database

This is a database of special formulations that are routinely produced by veterinary specials manufacturers. The purpose of the database is to help you locate a suitable product when necessary. Some specials companies will manufacture bespoke formulations to order.

You can search by generic drug name, formulation, therapeutic category and company.

If you don’t want to use a particular category term in your search make sure to select the title at the head of the category.

If there is no entry for dose or quantity, there may be several options available.

Products need to be ordered by a vet directly from the relevant company.